Avkjølende Håndkle ICE-TOWEL

Nytt produkt

  • Avkjølende håndkle
  • Opp til 25 % lavere overflatetemperatur
  • UPF 45 Beskyttelse
  • Uten kjemikalier

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16,95 € inkl. MVA

0.09 kg

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ALPENHEAT Avkjølende Håndkle ICE-TOWEL

Model: AC01
  • Avkjølende håndkle
  • Opp til 25 % lavere overflatetemperatur
  • UPF 45 Beskyttelse
  • Uten kjemikalier
  • 30 x 95 cm
  • Holder seg kjølig i flere timer, selv når håndkleet er vått
  • Håndkleet er mykt og absorberende når det er tørt
  • Kan brukes flere ganger, resirkuleres og vaskes i vaskemaskin
  • Materiale: 100% Polyester
  • Svart, oransje, grønn, lyseblå, rød, pink

Using new fabric technology and easy to use, delivering fast, long-lasting cooling to help enhance performance and well-being by keeping you focused on what you are doing and not on your body temperature. ALPENHEAT’s chemical-free ICE-Towel, makes your skin feel up to 25% cooler. Simple to use during any activity.

To activate:

  1. Wet the towel
  2. Use hot or cold water
  3. Wring out excess water
  4. Hold both ends of the towel and pull it apart vigorously, snapping the material and thereby activating the cooling technology.
  5. The cooling towel is ready to be used. Just put it on the part of your body that you want to cool. After a short while, you will feel the long-lasting cooling effect on your skin.

To re-activate: simply repeat the above step.

Or use the towel dry to absorb sweat.