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ALPENHEAT Bootdryers provide a flexible and effective solution to quickly and gently dry wet shoes, gloves and various kinds of clothing.
Moisture in our shoes from rain, snow or sweat is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria: Don't give bacteria a chance, get rid of the moisture quickly!
Smelly shoes? Not if you dry them with A...
ALPENHEAT Bootdryers provide a flexible and effective solution to quickly and gently dry wet shoes, gloves and various kinds of clothing.
Moisture in our shoes from rain, snow or sweat is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria: Don't give bacteria a chance, get rid of the moisture quickly!
Smelly shoes? Not if you dry them with ALPENHEAT BOOTDRYERS. Bad odour is history!
The ALPENHEAT Bootdryer CompactDry Ionizer was awarded the "Plus X Award", an important worldwide prize for technology, sports and lifestyle, as the best product of the year.
Reduserer lukt og bakterier 3 forskjellige tørkefester ( 1 par sko , to par sko , ett par lange støvler ) Tørker sko / støvler / hansker / hjelmer / luer og andre klær 2 varmeinnstillinger
Timer 2 timer Antibakteriell effekt gjennom Ionizer Uttrekkbar og sammenleggbar for kompakt lagringTildelt Plus X Award for beste produkt av året!
Rask og kraftig - reduserer bakterier Tørker 4 sko / hansker / hjelmer / klær samtidig Varme eller ingen varme for skinnsko
Med innebygd UV- lys for å drepe bakterier Kompakt , bærbart og lett Passer fint til alle sko eller støvler Stillegående tørking
Extension tubes for drying long boots Compatible with Dry4 (AD1)
Lydløs plassbesparende Tørk 4 par sko eller hansker samtidig