Bateriya za nagrevaemi rŭkavitsi i rŭkavitsi (Set)
akumulatoren paket za nagrevaemi chorapi (Set)
Heated fleece vest with battery and...
ALPENHEAT Bootdryers provide a flexible and effective solution to quickly and gently dry wet shoes, gloves and various kinds of clothing.
Moisture in our shoes from rain, snow or sweat is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria: Don't give bacteria a chance, get rid of the moisture quickly!
Smelly shoes? Not if you dry them with A...
ALPENHEAT Bootdryers provide a flexible and effective solution to quickly and gently dry wet shoes, gloves and various kinds of clothing.
Moisture in our shoes from rain, snow or sweat is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria: Don't give bacteria a chance, get rid of the moisture quickly!
Smelly shoes? Not if you dry them with ALPENHEAT BOOTDRYERS. Bad odour is history!
The ALPENHEAT Bootdryer CompactDry Ionizer was awarded the "Plus X Award", an important worldwide prize for technology, sports and lifestyle, as the best product of the year.
Idealen za visoki botushi3 razlichni adaptera za vŭzdukhNeprekŭsnat rezhim ili taĭmer do 180 minuti Silna ili niska toplina
2 chasa taĭmer Sgŭva se za kompaktno sŭkhranenie Integriraniyat ĭonizator namalyava mirizmata i ubiva bakteriite Nagraden s nagradata Plus X kato naĭ-dobŭr produkt na godinata.
Bezshumen Razshiryaema Spestyavane na myasto Universalni metodi za montazh: stenen pod ili svobodno stoyasht
Sushi 4 obuvki/botushi/rŭkavitsi/kaski/shapki/drekhi ednovremenno Prevklyuchvane: toplina ili bez toplina za kozheni obuvki Kontroli: 3 chasa taĭmer Predlaga se i s 120V/60Hz podkhodyasht za izpolzvane v SASHT!
Kompakten, prenosim i lek Pobira se lesno vŭv vsyaka obuvka ili botush S vgradena UV svetlina za ubivane na bakterii
Extension tubes for drying long boots Compatible with Dry4 (AD1)
Bezshumen Spestyavane na myasto Sushete 2 chifta obuvki ili rŭkavitsi ednovremenno
Bezshumen Spestyavane na myasto Sushete 4 chifta obuvki ili rŭkavitsi ednovremenno
Bezshumen Spestyavane na myasto Sushete 2 chifta obuvki ili rŭkavitsi ednovremenno
Bezshumen Razshiryaem, izpolzvaĭki samo edin elektricheski kontakt Spestyavane na myasto Universalni metodi za montazh