Uzlādējams akumulators apsildāmiem cimdiem un dūraiņiem(Set)
Ārējā kārba ir bojāta, bet pats...
Extension Cables with STEREO plug/socket for Comfort and TrendLength: 90 cm(pair)
Battery pouches for Lithium battery packs with Velcro straps.(pair)
Remote Control for ALPENHEAT Wireless Hotsole Bootheaters(piece)
Extension Cables for Lithium bootheatersLength: 90 cm(pair)
Bateriju bloks par ALPENHEAT Apsildāmas Zolītes Trend AH5-1 (gabals)
Recharger for AH6 Lithium battery packs (BP2)(piece)
Custom heating elements to install onto your own insoles for Comfort bootheaters (pair)
Recharger for Comfort (AH8/AH9) & Trend (AH5-1) bootheaters(piece)