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The heated glove liners by ALPENHEAT are ideal for everyday use in cold weather.
Whether at the Christmas market, shopping, walking, Nordic walking, hiking, running, hunting, or any activity which exposes your hands to the cold, the glove liners keep your hands cosy and warm where you need it must in your fingers.
The gloves are particularly recommended for people with poor blood circulation or suffering from Raynaud's syndrome.
The heating wire around your fingers and thumb gently and quickly warm your whole hand. The battery slips into the pocket integrated in the cuff of the glove.
Turn on the heat by simply pressing the power button on the outside of the liners for instant relief.
The liners can be worn underneath gloves or mittens.
1 par ogrevanih rokavic (AG1), 1 polnilec (LG31), 2 baterijska vložka (BP11)
Rokavica ima v levem in desnem kazalcu šiv z gumbnico. Če je potrebno, razrežite šiv na gumbnici, da boste štrleli s prstom. Material za delovanje pametnih telefonov torej ni spodaj prišit.
136,47 € -35% 209,95 €
136,47 € -35% 209,95 €
104,96 € -25% 139,95 €
249,98 € -50% 499,95 €
139,97 € -30% 199,95 €
146,96 € -30% 209,95 €
219,95 €
167,96 € -30% 239,95 €
157,46 € -25% 209,95 €
6,48 € -50% 12,95 €
59,95 € -50% 119,90 €
9,95 €
139,97 € -30% 199,95 €
109,98 € -50% 219,95 €
19,98 € -50% 39,95 €
99,95 €
25,56 € -20% 31,95 €