зарядное устройство USB-C 5V 100-240V 50/60Hz(кусок)
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Get your feet kicking!
Nobody gets cold feet with us!
ALPENHEAT Bootheaters keep your feet comfortably warm
Freezing at the outer extremities reduces blood flow and body temperature, which effects your health and well-being
ALPENHEAT Bootheaters provide a flexible and effective solution to keep your feet toasty warm.
Good Feet - Good End!
Get your feet kicking!
Nobody gets cold feet with us!
ALPENHEAT Bootheaters keep your feet comfortably warm
Freezing at the outer extremities reduces blood flow and body temperature, which effects your health and well-being
ALPENHEAT Bootheaters provide a flexible and effective solution to keep your feet toasty warm.
Good Feet - Good End!
Stel'ki so vstroyennymi nagrevatel'nymi elementami i akkumulyatorami (batareyki v komplekt ne vkhodyat). Nagrevatel'nyy element ploshchad'yu 20 sm². Prodolzhitel'nost' nagreva do 16 chasov.
Stel'ki s podogrevom Vremya raboty 12-24 chasovBol'shoy nagrevatel'nyy element 43 sm2 v peredney chasti stopy
Stel'ki s podogrevom, upravleniye cherez prilozheniye i zaryadnoye ustroystvo USB-C. Batareynyy blok vstroyen v stel'ku. Prodolzhitel'nost' nagreva: 3 – 9,5 chasov.